A Water-Wise Bungalow Garden

A Southwestern-inspired garden for a Santa Monica bungalow was designed to minimize outdoor water use. A comprehensive program from the City of Santa Monica in 2018 allowed homeowners to receive rebates for removing turf, installing rain gardens and replacing driveways with hardscape that allows permeability. 

The lawn was transformed into a courtyard with a bluestone pathway, edged with green santolina, gold coin aster and dwarf olives. The pathway’s pebble joints allow stormwater to seep into the ground, where it can collect in the rain garden planted with yerba mansa, small cape rush and zephyr lily. The rain garden is sheltered by crepe myrtle and Forest Pansy redbud trees, which provide structure, shade and a graceful buffer from the street. 

The introduction of rounded river pebbles between concrete slabs enhanced the porousness of the driveway. Even narrow gaps, such as these, will prevent rainwater from reaching the street, the storm drains, and the ocean.



  Photographs by Saxon Holt